Lifestyle | Huskie Pups on a Snowy Day

I still can’t get over this shoot. It was perfection. I was approached by Katie way back in November, December maybe? She wanted to shoot with her husband and their two huskies in the snow. I was so down, but snow shoots require a lot of patience. For six weeks we waited and waited for the perfect opportunity. Boy, did we get it. I met Katie and her husband, Blaine along with their two pups at Cave Spring Park on a frigid afternoon to shoot. We opted to go the day after the snowfall, rather than during due to the difficulty in getting to the location. The snow was practically up to my knees in some areas. It was obvious no one had been in the park since the snow and it conveyed an ethereal untouched beauty. I don’t think I felt the cold the entire time I was shooting. This is easily my favorite pet shoot to date.


Wedding | Industrial Chic Wedding on a Warm Winter's Day


Destination | A St Louis Engagement in Stunning Forest Park