2020 in Review | Y I K E S

Well well well…here we are at the end of a year that will live in infamy in the hearts of many; lost jobs, lost lives, and a whole lot of struggle. Thank you to all the clients and friends that supported my businesses through these strange and difficult times, I wouldn’t be here without you. Whether your wedding, portrait session, or involvement with THINE; I truly appreciate each and every one of you.

I could recap my accomplishments and struggles this year, but personally I emotionally checked out when my beautiful cat died a few weeks ago. I’m still physically here though, chugging along, practically caught up on all my galleries and ready for a nice week long break for the holidays. Michael booked us a private “snow globe” dinner and one night stay in the fabulous Hotel Kansas City for my Christmas present. My one request? It take place after New Year’s. Because this year is done. Done. Done. Done!











Lifestyle | A Greenhouse Family Session


Lifestyle | A Gothic Maternity Session at a Haunted Mansion